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NIE number, how to get this! 

The most important thing, dont´t let you be fooled by the websites that offer this service and charge you up to 165€ per person, you dont have to pay this amount, there are lots of options where you pay from 85€ or nothing if you do it yourself, its not that difficult.

There is many services helping you in getting your NIE number and tells you that it takes 2 weeks but in fact it takes 2 days, 1 day 5 min to fill in the form and 5 min next day to collect your NIE certificate

Pay for the service

We tested the pay service for 2 people with the cost of 85€ each, we meet up outside the policestation, answered som questions and that was all, we meet up 09.00 am and was ready 10 min later. The next day we meet up at 13.00 and this time it took 5 min and then we got our NIE number

You can also get help from a lawyer but to a higher cost.

Do it your self

This method also work but it takes perhaps a few hours more of you time and you need to have som knowledge of the spanish language.
Find the police station, take a number and wait for your turn, if you are lucky it want take more than 45 min but you have to read on the net how to fill out the form otherwise you have to do it again, after this you just get back the next day and collect the NIE certificate, thats it!

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